I was modelling for some brands at the showroom, and my friend Mauricio Fernandes the showroom's fashion stylist has created the looks and took these pics. Hope you like, have a great week!
Eu estava no showroom modelando para algumas marcas, e o meu amigo Mauricio Fernandes estilista e produtor do showroom montou esses looks e tirou as fotos. Espero que gostem tenham uma ótima semana!
In case you want much more shit about me and my sister follow us on instagram ( @camilla_lv @caroll_lins) and like on facebook
Caso você deseje mais besteiras sobre mim e a Caroll nos siga no instagram ( @camilla_lv @caroll_lins) e curta nofacebook
First look/ Primeiro look:
Cap, fake fur vest, skirt and belt/ Boné, colete de pele falsa, saia e cinto: Coca cola clothing
Bralet/ Top: Acostamento
Second look/ Segundo look:
All/ Tudo: Coca cola clothing
the sunglasses, heels, booties and headband are mine
Os óculos, sapatos, botas e headband são meus
Sunglasses/ Óculos: Romwe
Heels/ Sapatos: Schutz
Booties/ Botas: Fashion union
Headband: Renner